Monday, March 30, 2009

To Quit Or Not To Quit: That is the old question?????

I had a hard time with this post. I want to quit smoking and there is no good excuse for not quitting. This is where the addiction comes in.

I ignore: what that cigarette does to me as I inhale it.
I do not think: about what my health will be like in the future because I can not see it now.
I ignorantly sit: in my clouds of cigarette smoke high on chemicals and poison.



I complain: about everything that cigarette does to me financially, healthwise, etc

Today I read Raven's blog

The poem she wrote about cigarettes was beautiful because I am one of her friends who is trying to quit. For me it shows she cares about me and that is truly a beautiful thing.

Also here is a poem I wrote a while back.

Have you ever dwelled on the regrets that hold you back and just finally shared everything with someone? Well this poem is about just that. How I tortured myself over things I could not control. I hope you enjoy reading it!!


Into the depths of my mind

The deep blue sea exhales upon the shore

The crimsen moon is full,

As if painted with the blood of me.

Memories of the past haunt this sacred place,

It's wrath shall seal my fate

Upon the shore I lay,

Looking to the night sky

The stars stare,

the eyes of the universe are upon me,

Welcome to my mind,

Come, Sit here beside me.

Listen to what I must say,

I have a long journey ahead,

And my soul is filled with sorrow.

The hourglass is on its side,

and my thoughts are very sad.

When the sands lay still,

then I'll be dead.

I came here in innocence,

Now I am filled with sin.

I know more now than ever,

but carry these burdens forever.

My joy,

my sadness,

my secrets,

my years here.

My lies exist no more.

The truth reveals my innocence,

I leave behind the old.

Unravelled from my shell,

I ascend to the next plane,

and when your time has come,

we shall meet again.

By Joseph D. Apollo Jr.

1 comment:

Raven said...

Hi... Your poem is beautiful. I'm glad you liked mine. You and Nate and Sue were indeed in my thoughts when I wrote it.